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Home Dedicato ai clienti OF SELAWIK RIVER
Mercoledì 29 Settembre 2010 13:16

Allevamento Of Selawik River per Sif


Salutes to all,

I wanted to say that Night Flower yestarday has gained in class veteran the Hovawart gathering in Italy.

Night Flower has received many compliments from judge who has found the dog in splendi physical form and still whit a beautiful character social happy and I am much happy one of Night Flower and I will not never stop thank you in order to have sold it me to

11 years it has still much life and it is always beautifulst

yestarday me they are own affected in seeing Night Flower with many sons and grandsons all together

I send you of the photos

Thank Thank Thank


Thank you very much for the beautiful news!! You make me very proud


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    enci1                                   fci1